Monday, December 21, 2015

Today's Shopping Trip - We made the trip on our own for the first time!

This is the brand new grocery store in the neighborhood.  In the
foreground, a paving crew is paving the parking by hand, one tile
at a time.

This is the view from the deck off of our bedroom on the second floor of the
apartment building where we live.  The garden in the foreground is our
backyard area.  Our landlord has done a beautiful job of landscaping here.

Sis. Weaver is standing in front of one of the many small, sole-proprietor shops
that dot the area where we live.  Today we bought two small bags of
unpasteurized milk, which we will have to take home and scald before using it. 
His wife and baby stand beside Sis. Weaver, while another customer is being helped.

This is a view of the apartment building where we live.  We live on the first level
at the edge of the courtyard.  There is a guard who has quarters just inside and to
the left of the gated entrance to the property.  Our landlord, who is a graduate of
Cal Poly with a degree in Civil Engineering, designed and built the apartments.  He
and his family live in the upper three floors.  The apartments suffered no damage in
the earthquake, unlike the building in the foreground.

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