Monday, December 21, 2015

First Day at Church

On Saturday we attended Church in Nepal for the first time.  Saturday is the day of worship in Nepal.  The building that the branch had been renting was damaged in the earthquake in April, so the branch now meets at a hotel about three miles from our apartment in Kathmandu.  Instead of the traditional three-hour block, the Nepali branch meets for two hours.  Sacrament meeting begins at 10:00 AM.  After sacrament meeting, the meeting room is divided into two rooms by a partition.  The Primary and Youth meet in the back area while the adults meet in the front.  Sunday School and Priesthood/Relief Society meetings are held on alternate weeks.  Since some of the branch members do not speak English well, most talks and lessons are taught alternating English and Nepali.  Here is Sis. Weaver standing in the room where the branch meets with two of the Nepali sisters in the branch. 

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