Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Wheelchair Specialists From California

We are supported in our wheelchair program by a specialist couple, Kris and Kathy Van Dusen. They are from California. Kris is a highly experienced physical therapist and Kathy is a highly trained nurse. They volunteer a few weeks per year years of their time providing training and helping manage the wheelchair program in Asia. Kris is shown above fitting a wheelchair and providing us instruction.

As you can see, this man has no legs. He walked into the wheelchair distribution on his hands.

This is a picture of a mother and daughter. The daughter carried her mother into the wheelchair distribution.

On of the things that Kris did while in Kathmandu was visit people who had previously been given a wheelchair. This man sells goods on the sidewalk. Kris and one of our helpers, Maya, are interviewing him about his wheelchair.

This picture shows Kris and Kathy meeting with Rakesh Hamal. Rakesh runs the organization that distributes the wheelchairs throughout Nepal.


  1. Elder & Sis. Weaver...thank you so much for keeping up on your blog updates. Reading your posts makes me realize just how blessed I (we) are having lived in the U.S. and having basic access to doctors, wheelchairs, clothing etc. It is truly such a different world you have been serving in and I can't even begin to imagine the many wonderful things are you doing. The people of Nepal are so blessed to have you both. I can't wait to hear of your report upon your return and hope you are planning on speaking in one of our wards within the Brighton Stake (Buffalo Run Ward) would be a good candidate. Take care! Jeremy

    1. Bishop, we have enjoyed reading about Noah's experiences. We look forward to reporting back to our Colorado wards and see all of you again. Thanks for the comment. Elder Weaver
