Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Roofing For Schools

On May 4th we went to Charikot in the Dolokha District to deliver roofing material to 25 schools. All of these schools were damaged or destroyed in the earthquake last year. The roofing material was needed to repair the roofs prior to the monsoon.

This is a picture of various officials along with our NGO representatives. You will note that we are wearing silk scarves. The silk scarves were given to us by each of the 25 schools. A silk scarf is a traditional greeting gift for an honored guest at an activity like this. It is not easy to keep 25 silk scarves around your neck for 2 hours! As a part of the ceremony we are expected to give a speech. In this case Scott gave a short speech.

This is a picture Jivan Karki. He is the principal of Jana Jagriti Primary School in Ghyangsukathokar. He has 60 students and has been conducting classes in temporary facilities for the past year. He is a career educator serving in the public schools for 23 years. His school is in a remote village. He needed to get the roof repaired before it starts to rain and rain and rain.

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