Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Chickens and people in a Nepali mountain village.

The chickens in Nepal are very colorful. They are also everywhere. They are in the city, on the roads and there is even a wild version that lives in the jungle. This rooster was loud, proud and pompous. We have a rooster in our neighborhood in Kathmandu that starts crowing at 4 AM each morning. I love the beautiful colors on this guy.

A mother hen and her chicks.
This is a picture of Chandra Adhikari. Chandra is the president of our local LDS branch. He is shown here hosting us on an inspection of a water project that we are funding. A branch is a small congregation. There is only one LDS congregation (branch) in Nepal. Chandra is intelligent, humble and happy. I admire him a lot.
A mother getting her two-year-old ready for the day.
A little boy waiting for school to start.
The village laundry.

This is a water powered rice mill. It consists of a grinding stone that is powered by a water wheel below the shed.


  1. This is so cool! My aunt and uncle know you (JoEllen and Evan Murray) and mentioned you guys to my mom. My sister in law and I have a small non profit called Mind the Gap Worldwide. We are partnered with Chandra and his organization, the People's Development Foundation... We fundraise and send him money to complete projects. Are currently fundraising for a chicken farming co-op in Dhami Gau. We'd love to pick your brain sometime.

    1. I forgot to click the 'notify me' box so I can see if you reply. I'm clicking it now 😊
