Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Mission Picture

This is our mission picture, the one that was sent in with our mission application. It was taken by our daughter in law, Allison Able Weaver. As a senior missionary, you can request the type of mission that you want to serve. All we said was that we wanted to go where we could do some good. To our great surprise, we were assigned to a welfare office in Kathmandu, Nepal.

In preparation for our mission we have taken numerous vaccinations. We have taken training in how to teach blind people to use computers. We are learning the Nepali language with the help of a language coach from the Missionary Training Center. We have received some instruction on selecting and fitting wheel chairs for the disabled. We have also done a lot of stuff to get our estate and bank accounts in order. We needed all of the three months we were given to prepare.

We will go to the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah on November 30th. Following 10 days of training we will depart for Nepal on or about December 15th. Although we will miss our friends and family, we hope to do much good.


  1. This is most excellent! May the Lord bless and keep you. We'll be watching from afar.

  2. Congratulations! You'll do great & God Bless!

  3. Hello Brother and Sister Weaver. I'm Vicki Ouzts (now Victoria Saley on Facebook) and knew you in Gillette. My mom is Barbara. I am Bryn's age. I saw Sister Wilkerson's post about you. My family is currently serving in the Burmese refugee branch in Salt Lake City. There is also a Nepali/Bhutanese branch in that stake. We were a Ma & Pa on trek this summer and had several Napali girls in our family. We met their bishop, Girish Ghimire, who has done incredible things for the Napali in Salt Lake. I could listen to his stories for hours. If you ever want to get involved with the Napali community in SLC I'm sure they'd love you to visit their branch when you return from your mission. I'm excited to hear more about your adventures and service. We will pray for you as you serve and know you will be amazing missionaries.

  4. Lear and Scott, I am so excited for the two of you and will be waiting to hear more as you add to the blog during your mission! Take care of yourselves as much as you will be caring for the people you meet.
