Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Mount Everest (in Nepali it is called Sagamatha)

March 23, 2017

We took a tourist flight to view Mount Everest this morning. It was a crystal clear morning. We flew along the Mahalangur Mountain Range which has 20 mountains with an elevation of over 19,000 feet. This was an awe inspiring adventure!

Everest is the mountain on the left. It is hard to realize how huge this mountain is because it is surrounded by other giants. The flat looking mountain to the right of Everest is called Lhotse and it is a stubby little 27,940 foot peak. The highest mountain in the entire Rocky Mountain Range is Mt. Elbert 14,440 feet.

Below are two photos from the flight brochure. This brochure shows the highest peaks in the mountain range that includes Mt. Everest. Those that are labeled are the ones that exceed 19,000 feet. Any one of these gigantic rocks is bigger than the whole Big Horn Mountain Range.

I don't know which peak this is but thought that the huge snow pack on the southwesterly side was amazing. The winds on top of these high peaks is such that much of the snow is blown off.

A view of the mountain range a little to the west of Mount Everest. The snow line is probably around 15,000 feet.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Nepali Wedding Reception and Darray Ramro Poshack

We were invited to a wedding reception. This is a picture of the bride. This is a very beautiful dress. In Nepali you would say it was a dayray ramro poshack!

Some family and guests posing for a picture before the start of the reception.

The buffet is a tradition in Nepal just like in the USA. The food is different.

The bride and groom. This was an arranged marriage. That is a tradition in Nepal. They spent less than one full hour with each other prior to the wedding. Still it works here in this culture.

The reception line is different here. The bride and groom sit on a raised platform in very fancy chairs. As guests arrive they put silk scarves on the bride and groom and then give them a small amount of money in an envelope or some small gift.

This little grand mother (hazur ahmah) posing in her very best dress coming into the reception. Many things were different but many the same as what you would find at a wedding reception in the USA.

The Children of Nepal

We went to a birthday party. A two-year-old looks the same with chocolate cake in any culture and in any county.

Prayuska giving her first talk in Primary. She was so well prepared and so ready to read her talk. I remember watching our little ones a few years back doing the same thing. Primary develops more than just their religious instruction. They gain poise and self confidence that lasts a lifetime.

Aaron bobs for an apple at activity day. Activity day is a day of fun and games that is held on other than the Sabbath.

Playing musical chairs at activity day.

Working on a craft for activity day.

Rachel trying to bit a candy from the candy stick on activity day. She is limited by her missing two front teeth.